Cataracts in Cats

As a cat lover, don’t you hate it when people describe a great cat as being like a dog? As if dogs are somehow...

Go, Cats, Go! Cat Ownership Is on the Rise

Traditionally, dogs have outnumbered cats as pets. That is changing in some areas, though, says the European Federation For Pet Food Associations. Their recently...

Feline Heart Disease

Most feline heart problems are acquired (meaning that they develop later in life than congenital defects, which are present at birth), but regardless of...

Stinky Cat Breath Causes

Unless you are feeding your cat really stinky food or he has an unsavory tendency to eat poop out of the litterbox, persistent bad...

Infectious Respiratory/Ocular Disease

Infectious upper respiratory diseases (IURD), caused by a variety of viral and bacterial pathogens, are a major problem in kittens, especially those housed in...