How to Collect a Urine Sample
If your cat has been showing signs of a urinary issue, such as urinating where she shouldn’t, bloody urine, or bad-smelling urine, your veterinarian...
Mammary Gland Infections
Mastitis is an inflammation and/or infection of the mammary glands that usually occurs due to an injury.
“I have rarely seen a lactating queen develop...
Glucocorticoids Are Invaluable Medications
Glucocorticoids, or “steroids,” are commonly used to treat disease in cats, and they can improve—and even save—your cat’s life. While they are an important...
Rabies Reminder
In October, the state of Kansas issued alerts that two outdoor cats were found to have rabies. And they weren’t the first cats found...
Your Guide to Ear Polyps
If you have a young cat who suffers from chronic ear infections or recurrent upper respiratory symptoms, it might be time to look for...
Pyometra: A Reason to Spay
The term “pyometra” means pus-filled uterus. Occasionally, the pressure from the infection is so intense that the uterus ruptures, spewing pus into the abdomen....
Dental Disease Can Be Serious
We get it. Dental cleanings are expensive. It can be tempting to put off treatment for broken or diseased teeth if your cat is...
Flea and Tick Control Is Easy
Flea and tick control has improved by leaps and bounds over the past two decades. Gone are the dreaded weekly fights of baths or...
PE: Malformed Sternum
Take a deep breath and feel how much your chest expands to allow your lungs to fully inflate inside. Now imagine trying to take...
Our Kitten Has Conjunctivitis
Q: Our 5-month-old domestic shorthair calico has been struggling with conjunctivitis for the past few months. She has been on two courses of antibiotics, and...
Heartworm Isn’t Just for Dogs
While heartworm disease is largely considered a canine problem, cats are susceptible to this parasite as well. The Companion Animal Parasite Council (CAPC) estimates...
5 Signs Your Cat May Be Sick
Sometimes you know something is wrong with your cat. For example, if your male cat is spending tons of time in the litterbox, straining...