Home Health Medicine


How to Give Your Cat Meds

Giving your cat medication is often not easy, but it doesn’t have to be traumatic for either of you. If your cat lives for mealtimes,...

Cautions With Pill Guns For Cats

Pilling a cat is no fun for anyone, and many cat owners have found one of the best solutions has been the use of...

Signs of Retinal Disease

I f your cat has sudden changes in behavior like excessive yowling or unusual hiding, or if you notice her bumping into things or stumbling...

New Anxiety Medication

The Food and Drug Administration (FDA) approved Bonqat to help with the anxiety and fear cats associate with car rides and veterinary visits. It...

From Constipation to Megacolon

An occasional bout of constipation that either self-resolves or resolves easily with simple treatment by your veterinarian is usually not cause for alarm. Frequent,...

Clean Mouth = Healthy Cat

Keeping your cat’s mouth clean goes a long way toward keeping her comfortable and healthy for many years. Can you imagine not brushing your...

Veterinary Vaccine Controversies

There is no doubt that vaccines can and do save lives. The rabies vaccine is a perfect example.Rabies is a viral zoonotic disease that...

Must I Deworm My Cat?

Skipping your cat’s deworming can put other pets and family members at risk. “The ideal deworming protocol is going to vary from animal to...

Feline Health Screening: Feline Health Screening:

Research addressing heritable feline diseases has been limited compared to that in dogs, but the interest is there, and studies are ongoing. The more...

Horner’s Syndrome

If one of your cat’s eyes looks sunken in and droopy, it could be Horner’s syndrome. This condition is caused by damage to some...

Cleft Palates in Kittens

In a normal kitten, there is a solid tissue barrier between the nose and the mouth. During development, these tissues grow from the sides...

Advances In Anti-Clotting Therapy

A major concern for owners of cats diagnosed with hypertrophic cardiomyopathy (HCM) is the development of clots in the heart. Cats with HCM that...