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New Pet Food Labels

The American Association of Feed Control Officials (AAFCO) has approved new guidelines for standardized nutrition information with clear ingredient statements and storage and handling...

How Cats Sniff

Scientists from Ohio State University found that a cat’s nose works like a gas chromatograph, a tool that detects and separates vaporized chemicals. The...

Conditional Approval for Important New Drug

The Food and Drug Administration (FDA) conditionally approved Varenzin-CA1 (molidustat oral suspension) for the control of nonregenerative anemia associated with chronic kidney disease (CKD)...

Carnivore Types

Cats are obligate carnivores, which means they must eat meat to survive. Many people do not understand this, but cats get most of their...

Fish-Skin Grafts Can Be Used to Heal Wounds

Fish-skin grafts, which are used in people for serious wounds such as burns, are making their way into the veterinarian’s office. Burns and degloving...

Looking For Healthy DNA

The researchers want to compare DNA from ill cats to DNA from healthy cats, so they may learn to better diagnose and treat diseases, including inflammatory bowel disease, hypertrophic cardiomyopathy, renal disease, and diabetes.

When Acrobatic Prowess Fails Them

When it comes to leaping, landing and twisting in mid-air, cats earn accolades for agility, flexibility and acrobatic prowess. Its not unusual to witness your cat leap effortlessly to the top of the refrigerator and, when ready, to land softly and easily on the kitchen floor. But despite their grace and flexible physique, cats do not always land safely on their feet and can be at risk for painful sprains, broken legs, and other fractured bones.

A Warning on Human Skin Cancer Cream

The Food and Drug Administration is warning owners, veterinarians, healthcare providers and pharmacists of the risk of pets illness and death associated with the topical human cancer medication fluorouracil. Initial reports cited the death of five dogs who accidentally ingested the prescription cream, which is also sold as Carac, Efudex and Fluoroplex. While the FDA has yet to receive reports involving cats, the agency expects cats to be extremely sensitive to the cream, which is used to treat pre-cancerous and cancerous skin growths.

Short Takes: March 2017

Scientists have identified many factors that affect a species survival - from diet and weather to the size of breeding groups to social relationships. However, researchers at Michigan State have found that some wild cats dont necessarily respond to the same evolutionary pressures as other mammals, including humans and primates.

Batman the Four-Eared Cat Finds Fame and New Home

A black cat with four ears named Batman made national news only hours after being made available for adoption at the Western Pennsylvania Humane Society in Pittsburgh. Just when you think youve seen it all, a four-eared cat comes in the door! says Hala Nuemah, shelter managing director.

Cat Whiskers; Feline Heart Health

If youve ever been tempted to trim your cats whiskers, it would be best to resist the impulse. Whiskers are essential to cats navigation. They also serve as early warning systems and barometers of mood, says Leonie Richards, BVSC, head of general practice at the University of Melbourne Veterinary Hospital. The Winn Feline Foundation has awarded a grant to research at-home use of Holter monitoring in cats with hypertrophic cardiomyopathy (HCM).

20 Inspirational Ideas for Cat Owners

At the close of each year, do you find yourself writing a list of ambitious resolutions to eat healthier and exercise more? Perhaps you decide to eat more kale and spend more time at yoga and less lounging on the couch. We often craft New Years resolutions with good intentions but rarely fully achieve them.