2023 Top Toxins for Cats
he Pet Poison Help Line tracks toxin trends and, for 2023, the most common for all animals were food products (31%). Human drugs were...
Diagnosis: Diabetes
Ask anyone who has a diabetic cat and you may well hear about fights with the cat over basic care and treatment. While daily...
Cat Frantically Licks Belly
Q: My 10-year-old male cat has licked all the hair off his legs and his belly, which appear to be a bit reddish/pinkish in...
Cat Paw Pad Problems
Although some feline paw pad problems may resolve on their own, when your cat’s paw pads become injured or appear abnormal, she should see...
Monitor Hyperthyroid Cats
Hyperthyroidism is a common endocrine disorder in aging cats. Left untreated, it can lead to myriad serious problems including heart failure, organ dysfunction, high...
Enlarged Kidneys in Cats
A cat’s kidneys can be enlarged due to inflammation, infection, cysts, urinary tract obstruction, or masses (potentially cancerous). Toxins and infections also may cause...
Are Lawn Chemicals Harmful?
A pristine green lawn is lovely to look at, but difficult to maintain. Many lawn afficionados use a variety of products to combat both...
How to Give Your Cat Meds
Giving your cat medication is often not easy, but it doesn’t have to be traumatic for either of you.
If your cat lives for mealtimes,...
Managing an FIV-Positive Cat
Q: My 8-year-old indoor/outdoor cat was recently diagnosed with feline immunodeficiency virus (FIV) and is otherwise healthy. I want to do everything that I...
Cautions With Pill Guns For Cats
Pilling a cat is no fun for anyone, and many cat owners have found one of the best solutions has been the use of...
Signs of Retinal Disease
f your cat has sudden changes in behavior like excessive yowling or unusual hiding, or if you notice her bumping into things or stumbling...
Inflamed Nasal Passages
Q: My 5-year-old male cat has been suffering from a stuffy nose that has recently gotten much worse. I’ve seen three different veterinarians, and we’ve...