You need to take your cat to the veterinarian for a checkup. When you retrieve the cat carrier from the closet, your cat disappears. The ensuing chase tires you out and stresses your cat, making his heart beat faster and possibly elevating his temperature. Sound 288 familiar? For many cat owners, getting their cats into a carrier is a battle of wits and wills – but its necessary preparation for veterinary visits, emergency evacuations or moving to a new location. “You may even want to put your cat in a carrier to keep her from escaping when painters or housekeepers come,” says Ellen Lindell, VMD, a board-certified member of the American College of Veterinary Behaviorists. So why wait until an emergency arises? Getting your cat accustomed to the carrier simply takes foresight and training. Accentuate the Positive. Cats often dont like being in a carrier because they fear confinement. “Cats are not taught to be contained,” says Dr. Lindell. To acclimate your cat to being in a carrier, you need to make it a positive experience. “Condition him so he doesnt mind getting in,” explains Dr. Lindell. Place the open carrier somewhere in your home that is easily accessible to the cat, but out of the way of heavy traffic. Put your cats bed or favorite blanket in the carrier to make it more inviting. “Put bedding in the carrier that is soft and washable, and that your cat likes,” says Dr. Lindell. “Set it up so that he can get under it if he wants to hide.” Sprinkle some catnip in the carrier or leave his favorite toy inside it. “He will view it as not so scary if theres a pleasant association with good things inside,” explains Dr. Lindell. When you are home, offer him a special treat when he gets into the carrier on his own or offer him a small meal in the carrier. “Just make sure he is eating and not losing a meal because its in the carrier,” says Dr. Lindell. “Make it an extra meal and let the cat know eating in the carrier is an alternative.” Why Carrier Size Matters. Many cat owners buy kitten-sized carriers when they first adopt a cat but then dont get a larger one as the cat grows into adulthood. Your cat may be more inclined to get into a carrier if it is larger. “Cats need to be able to stand up and turn around in a carrier,” says Dr. Lindell. When deciding what size carrier to purchase, the length of time the cat will be in it is a consideration. If you are moving, for example, the carrier may need to be large enough for a litter box and water bowl so he can sit up, stretch and use the box if he needs to. “But if it is too big, it can be dangerous for traveling as the cat can get thrown against the sides,” explains Dr. Lindell. Once your cat is used to getting into his carrier, train him to come by using food rewards or a clicker. Practice calling him to his carrier even when you dont have to take him anywhere. When you use the carrier only when you need to get your cat to a veterinary appointment, you inadvertently reinforce your cats dislike of being in it. “For many cats, the only time they go in a carrier is to do something they dont like, such as going to the veterinarian,” says Dr. Lindell. “And if you call a cat to do something they dont like, they wont trust you in the future.” Some cats may benefit from going on short trips in the carrier after which they just come home and have a snack or treat. “It depends on the cats temperament,” explains Dr. Lindell. “If the cat is fearful, hes not likely to find a lot of pleasure in that. Home exercises may be enough.” Training your cat to come to his carrier will make it less stressful for both of you. “Conditioning wont necessarily teach your cat to enjoy being in the carrier, but it can teaches him to go to it,” says Dr. Lindell.