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If you have a cat who loves to snuggle under the covers, dont fit him with a flea and tick collar containing medicine designed to last six months or more. There are no studies out there, but logically, if a pet wearing such a collar snuggles under the covers, the person can be in contact with that topical insecticide during the entire night of sleep. Why take that risk? Penny says. However, if your cat sleeps at the foot of your bed on top of your bedspread, that is fine.

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To minimize resource guarding in a multi-pet household, strive to create a healthy feline indoor environment. Do not yell at or physically punish your resource-guarding cat because this punitive approach will cause him to want to protect his resources even more and it can damage your relationship with him. While resource guarding is less common in cats than in dogs, it can escalate into a serious behavior issue that requires intervention by a professional.

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If your cat enjoys other pets, is even-tempered and not easily rattled by change, consider sending him to a boarding facility. The International Boarding and Pet Services Association, www.ibpsa.com, offers training and encourages members to cultivate strong relationships with local veterinarians, says Director Carmen Rustenbeck. She recommends choosing a facility with a trained staff who welcomes questions.