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Choosing Anti-Anxiety Meds

The focus on feline mental health is increasing in veterinary medicine as more cat owners learn that medications can play a role in treating...

The Dangers of Calicivirus

For most cats, a feline calicivirus (FCV) infection is a typical upper respiratory infection. It is highly contagious and common, but FCV can progress...

Could It Be Cancer?

Not every lump on your cat’s body is cancer, but that doesn’t mean you should ignore new growths. A rapidly growing spot on your...

Old Cats and Vaccinations

When it comes to decisions about vaccinations for chronically ill, skinny, debilitated cats, consider these facts: No solid research answers the question about whether...

Avian Flu In Cats

In Poland, 70 cats are being considered potentially infected with H5N1 avian flu. This is a developing story. As its name implies, the H5N1 avian...

When Your Cat Eats String

Q: My 8-year-old Maine Coon cat ate part of a rope attached to a cat toy wand. The rope is made of three twisted parts...

How Cats Sniff

Scientists from Ohio State University found that a cat’s nose works like a gas chromatograph, a tool that detects and separates vaporized chemicals. The...

Download The Full August 2023 Issue PDF

  • Preventing Finicky Felines
  • Understanding a Cat’s Taste Buds
  • Cats Can Have a Disagreement But Remain Pals
  • Diabetic Remission In Cats
  • Mammary Cancer in Cats
  • The Availability of Compounded Medications
  • Must I Feed Wet Food?
  • Scratching After Bathing

Understanding a Cat’s Taste Buds

We all know our cats have definite preferences for their food choices, which may or may not include flavors. An article from Petfood Industry,...

Preventing Finicky Felines

Got a picky cat? If you do, you’re not alone. We know of one cat who refuses to eat her food if the kibbles...

The Availability of Compounded Medications

FDA Drug Approval If the FDA approves a drug, that means the medication has been proven to the FDA’s satisfaction to be safe and effective...

Scratching After Bathing

Q: My wife and I have 2 female Sphynx cats that we bathe once or twice a week. Within a day or two after...