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Congestive Heart Failure

Congestive heart failure (CHF) is often the stage of disease at which a cardiac problem is first diagnosed. When a cat has CHF, the heart no longer functions as an efficient pump, unable to bring enough oxygen and nutrients to the body cells and move waste products such as carbon dioxide out. Fluid buildup can occur, usually in the lungs (pulmonary edema) and in the chest cavity around the lungs (pleural effusion). …

Feline Anemia

Anemia is the state where a cat has too few red blood cells. Red blood cells carry oxygen to the tissues. They circulate for 70 to 80 days in cats before being removed from the circulation and replaced by the bone marrow. Since red blood cells carry oxygen and nutrients to tissues, a loss of these cells is a serious problem and can be fatal.

Predictable Cat Behavior in Breeds

Different dog breeds are known for certain behaviors, like a Border Collie herding sheep or a German Shorthaired Pointer indicating a bird. Cat lovers have long noted the vocalizations of Siamese as an example of certain breed-specific behaviors, and now a recent study from Finland, published in Scientific Reports, found genetic connections between cat breeds and certain behaviors.

Is That Cat Angry or Frightened?

Your cat is tense and clearly unhappy, but you arent quite sure what hes feeling. Here are some tips for decoding his body language.

Predictable Cat Behavior in Breeds

Different dog breeds are known for certain behaviors, like a Border Collie herding sheep or a German Shorthaired Pointer indicating a bird. Cat lovers have long noted the vocalizations of Siamese as an example of certain breed-specific behaviors, and now a recent study from Finland, published in Scientific Reports, found genetic connections between cat breeds and certain behaviors.

Emerging Effective Cancer Option

The Animal Cancer Foundation says that of the 32 million cats in the United States, 6 million are diagnosed with cancer each year. Thats a staggering number, and researchers are working hard to find cures. Among the most recent advances in oncology is immunotherapy. While standard cancer therapies-chemotherapy, radiation, surgery-directly destroy cancers, they also may harm normal cells and tissues. Immunotherapy is different. It destroys only the abnormal cells.

Chirps and Chatters

Does your cat make noises that sound nothing like a traditional meow? Shes not the only one! While purrs, hisses, and, of course, the famous meow are the best-known cat sounds, cats have a wide repertoire of noises they use to communicate with other cats and us.

Yes, They Know Their Names

A study published in April in Scientific Reports 9 and done at the University of Tokyo (Saito, A et al) reports what weve all suspected: A study published in April in Scientific Reports 9 and done at the University of Tokyo (Saito, A et al) reports what weve all suspected:

Heads Up on Chronic Coughs

Coughing in cats is easy to dismiss as due to a hairball. While cats do get hairballs, that gagging can often be due to coughing. When cats cough, they usually crouch down, extend their elbows away from the body, and make a dry, hacking sound. The cough is frequently non-productive (nothing is expelled).

Your Role as Flea Fighter

Ctenocephalides felis is a big name for a tiny insect that is a huge pest: the cat flea. While other fleas may infest your cat, this is the most common species to affect cats.

Deciphering Drool

When you think drool, you think dogs, but cats drool, too. The difference is, feline drool is rarely normal. If your cat is drooling, she may be either overproducing saliva or having trouble swallowing it, and it is important to find out the cause.

Fungus in Brazil

The American Veterinary Medical Association (AVMA) reports that the Centers for Disease Control (CDC) is monitoring a fungal infection (Sporothrix brasiliensis) in Brazil and nearby countries that is being spread by cats to people. The infections in cats are known as clown nose because of the swollen, infected nasal mucosa seen in affected cats. Its usually fatal in cats.