

For Cats With Kidney Disease That Might Improve, Treatment is a Good Option

When Your Cat Goes to the Dentist

What the Two of You Can Expect

Skin Cancer

Common in Cats, Early Diagnosis Helps Towards Positive Outcome

Ask Dr. Richards: 11/02

Question: I have three cats that I love dearly, Bandit, Branigan, and Snowball. Snowball is a new addition to the family, so we dont...


For Adult Cats, the Promise of a Normal, Healthy Life Once Disease Is Diagnosed and Treated

Human Drugs for Your Cat

A lengthy approval process results in fewer feline-specific medications.

Short Takes: 04/03

Beautiful but deadly: flowers and bulbs to beware; vaccination update

The Fever Response

How to Take Your Cats Temperature

Siege Against the Sneezes

Home Care for Cats with Viruses, such as Feline Herpesvirus or Feline Calicivirus

Is It An Emergency?

Here are 10 signs that indicate an immediate trip to the clinic is in order.

When Food is Medicine

Prescription diets: Is there one that can help your cats health condition?

The Latest Help for Hyperthyroidism

Dr. Mew meets some cool cats in radioiodine therapy at Camp Thyroid.