
Stain and Odor Removal

There are products made especially for cleaning after our pets. But there are some ordinary household products that can help, too.

To Declaw or Not to Declaw: A Thorny Issue

Is there ever an appropriate reason to deprive your cat of its sharp nails? Experts weigh in.

Mind of the Cat: 08/06

We try to believe that our cats are free from our idiosyncratic rituals. We like to think that our cats fit into our lives...

Mind of the Cat: 06/06

We humans are often quite offended when our cats mark inside our houses. It is true that some marking behavior can have unpleasant consequences....

Stop That Scratching!

Getting your cat to stop scratching certain objects requires a two-pronged approach. Heres some help in redirecting the behavior.

Hair, There, Everywhere!

Choosing certain fabrics for furniture can help keep cat hair at bay. Here are some other household hints to tame the problem.

Home Remodeling: Plan Ahead

Remodeling doesnt have to be a catastrophe for your pets. Here is some safety advice.

The Clean Litter Box

This essential part of your cats daily routine has to meet her needs first (hint: Forget the perfumed scents). Heres why.

Living With The Blind Cat

There are ways to give your handicapped pet a good quality of life. The key is to make her feel safe and secure in your home.

Mind of the Cat: 08/05

Where do housecats like to sleep? Most often, it seems, right in bed with their favorite people. And for most of us, that is...

Teach Table Manners

How to keep your cat from jumping up on forbidden surfaces.

Safe Cleaning Products

Find cat-friendly ingredients to safely clean your home.