
Feline Lower Urinary Tract Disease

Feline lower urinary tract disease, or FLUTD, is a problem that cat owners everywhere dread. Litter box accidents, bloody urine, or a cat straining to urinate can all concern families. In some cases, this is an emergency-in others, a painful annoyance for you and your cat. In general, when a cat has urinary problems, its important to rule out any medical conditions before considering behavioral problems (to be covered in another issue). A common indication of…

Early Detection

Recognizing the Signs of Cancer Helps Improve the Odds of Successful Treatment

Kidney Transplants

Success Depends on Surgical Skill and Caregiver Dedication

Feline Heartworm

Preventable, But Still a Puzzle

Palliative Care

Providing a Good Life to the End

Tartar Control Treats

The Correct Ingredients Determine Effectiveness

Hepatic Lipidosis

Highly Curable With Aggressive Nutritional Treatment

Tigers a Senior, But Hes Only 8

Keeping Watch For Signs Of Illness

Staphylococcus Infection

Rare Condition Requires Immediate and Effective Treatment

When a Biopsy is Ordered

Accurate Diagnosis and Treatment Plan Are Top Reasons for Procedure

Vaccines and Sarcomas: A Concern for Cats

Those of us entrusted with caring for cats have two basic desires: first, we wish to help cats by preventing serious diseases and death;...

Home Hospice Care of Terminally Ill Cats

Providing a Safe Passage for Your Feline Companion